Sunday, July 29, 2018

Patronage, Gifts, and Grace

Welcome! Today as we continue our series on Shame and Honor, we are going to explore the concept of patronage and look at how Christ is the ultimate example of a good patron in all of history. We will then honor Him as our patron through remembering Him through the bread and the cup. My hope is that this somewhat different view of the role of Christ will make for a memorable and meaningful time of communion. Because we will also have a sharing time, our time is short, so I will forgo any kind of review except to remind you that past messages from this series can be found on our website.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Community and Kinship

Welcome! Today we continue our series on Shame and Honor, a series in which we hopefully are becoming better acquainted with honor-shame cultures and use this understanding to better grasp the heart of God towards people. A secondary goal is to become better able to relate to people in honor-shame cultures and present the gospel to them in a way that resonates with them. I encourage you, if you have missed either or both previous messages in the series, to look them up at our website.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Heart and Face

Welcome! Last week we began our new series on Shame and Honor. We discussed the idea that one can characterize cultures by the degree to which they exhibit guilt-innocence characteristics, fear-power characteristics, and shame-honor characteristics. We learned that our culture leans strongly towards guilt and innocence, whereas many cultures around the world, especially in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, lean towards shame and honor. We learned that the cultures in which the Bible was written, both in Old Testament and in New Testament times, were themselves primarily shame-honor cultures, and thus it is of value for us to better understand this kind of culture so that we better understand not only the Bible, but the very heart of God. I also explained that becoming better acquainted with this kind of culture can equip us to be better able to share the good news of the gospel with people who live in this culture – including many people here in America. Last week we also developed the ideas of shame and honor as two ends of a spectrum; to be high in honor is to be low in shame, and vice versa. We talked about the fall of Adam and Eve in Genesis as the beginning of our story of shame; when we disobey God, we bring shame to ourselves, but not only to ourselves, but also to God who made us.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Clash of Cultures

Welcome! Today I am excited to begin a new series devoted to the far-reaching topics of shame and honor. Today’s message, “Clash of Cultures,” is an introduction, meant to begin to get us into a shame-honor type of thinking.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Mourning and then...

2 Samuel 1:16-2:4
For David had said to him, "Your blood be on your own head. Your own mouth testified against you when you said, ‘I killed the Lord’s anointed."—2 Samuel 1:16

David was talking with an Amalekite who claimed he had killed Saul.  Apparently, the Amalekite knew that Saul was God’s anointed leader.  Instead of David celebrating the death of Saul, he had the Amalekite killed.  Then David mourned: