As you can see in your bulletin, we are nearing the end of
our Superheroes series – just one more message after today. I’ll confess that
I’ve never been a great fan of fantasy superheroes. Most of the books that I
enjoyed reading growing up were about more realistic characters – still heroic,
many of them, but with courage and abilities that I felt I could aspire to.
However, one of the main points of this whole series has been to point out how
God’s definition of a superhero is in many ways completely different, sometimes
even the opposite of how the world might imagine one to be. God’s strength is
made perfect in our weakness, as it says in 2 Corinthians 12.
I’m convinced
that God’s top superheroes are people that we never hear about. They’re not out
there leaping tall buildings in a single bound. They are quietly living out
God’s love and grace, faithfully reaching out day by day to the “least of
these” that Jesus talked about. They will receive their reward in heaven; they
don’t need to be recognized right now. In fact, I think we need to be careful
about holding someone up as a spiritual superhero. Pride is such a pitfall. Any
glory that a person receives diminishes what God receives. So if you do
something good and no one notices, be glad! God sees – and that is what really