Welcome! Today we begin
a series of messages from the book of John, chapters 5 to 11. The title of the
series is “What did He say?!” with a question mark and an exclamation point.
The idea behind the title of the series is that what Jesus said was shocking,
beyond shocking. In fact, I would say that the things Jesus said were the most
outrageous, most extreme, most blasphemous things anyone could ever say –
except for the fact that, being said by Jesus, they are actually true. (If
anyone else said them they would be
blasphemous.) The fact that they are true does not
lessen the shock of what Jesus said; instead, I might say that they are perhaps
the most serious things ever said, the
most profound, and, especially, the most important. They
have immense implications for every person on earth, eternal implications, and
I am excited that we will be exploring these things during this series.
Today’s message
begins with John 5:16 and goes to the end of chapter 5, and we will see that
the things Jesus says here every bit as shocking and important as anything else
we will see in the series. Now, the very first word of verse 5:16 is “so.” That
means that it comes from something that has happened before, and so (there’s
that word again) I think it will help to give a very quick summary of a few key
events in the book of John given prior to this point.