Sunday, April 15, 2007

Blind But Now He Sees

Acts 9:1-19a
This is the second time I delivered a full length message on Sunday morning. After the first teaching, I had two strong reactions. The first came immediately and lasted for about 2-4 hours afterward. I thought, “As long as I live I will never do this again.” After a day or so, the Spirit must have been softening my heart, and I realized I needed to “get back on the horse”. Then, Carl asked, “When do you want to teach again?” (not “Do you want to teach again?”) Because it was already on my heart, I agreed to share again before I gave myself time to come up with an excuse why I couldn’t.

So, here we are. Acts 9:1-19a. The conversion of Saul. This is the great turning in Saul’s life, a great turning point in the early church and a great turning point in the history of the world. Saul returns to this story two other times in the book of Acts. In Acts 22, he gives his testimony before the Jews in Jerusalem. Later in Acts 26, he gives his testimony before King Agrippa. He uses the testimony of his conversion to demonstrate the power of Jesus Christ in his life.

When Jesus appears to Saul on the Damascus road, he asks, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”

Let’s begin by answering this question: how was Saul persecuting Jesus? Also, let’s look at who Saul was and where he’d come from.

Back in the account of Acts 8:1-3, it is clear that Saul was an integral part of the persecution of the church, of the body of Christ. It began specifically at the martyrdom of Stephen.

And Saul was there, giving approval to [Stephen’s] death. On that day a great persecution broke out against the church at Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. Godly men buried Stephen and mourned deeply for him. But Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and put them in prison. - Acts 8:1-3

Saul was determined to destroy the church from top to bottom. Women are mentioned three different times in Scripture when Saul’s persecutions are described. Saul’s willingness to attack women, wives, and mothers highlights the aggravated nature of his assault.

To answer where Saul has come from, Saul tells us himself in Acts 21:39.

“I am a Jew, from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no ordinary city.” - Acts 21:39

Tarsus was a seat of Greek culture, learning and influence rivaling Athens and Alexandria at that time. Consequently, Saul has a special background in Greek culture and education. Furthermore, as a reward for its exertions and sacrifices during the civil wars of Rome, Tarsus was made a free city by Augustus Caesar. Free cities were permitted to use their own laws, customs, and magistrates, and they were free from being subject to Roman guards. Since Paul was born in a free city, he was entitled to the privileges of a free man and was considered a Roman citizen. Later, Paul used his Roman citizenship to avoid being scourged by a centurion. He used the rights of Roman citizenship again when he appealed to have the case against him, instigated by the Jews, be heard by Caesar himself. Tarsus was located in the southwest corner of Asia Minor on the Mediterranean. (From

In addition to his experiences in a predominantly Greek city, we read in Acts 22:3 again in Saul’s own words:

“I am a Jew born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city. Under Gamaliel I was thoroughly trained in the law of our fathers and was just as zealous for God as any of you are today.” - Acts 22:3

Carl has mentioned Gamaliel previously. Gamaliel was the greatest Jewish teacher of that time. Saul is one of his prized students advancing beyond many Jews his own age (Gal. 1:14). To him Christianity was a blasphemous idea. That Jesus, a friend of tax collectors and sinners, who died a shameful death on a Roman cross, could be the Son of God was absurd to him.

Also, in Acts 26:9-11 Saul writes of himself:

“I too was convinced that I ought to do all that was possible to oppose the name of Jesus of Nazareth. And that is just what I did in Jerusalem. On the authority of the chief priests I put many of the saints in prison, and when they were put to death, I cast my vote against them. Many a time I went from one synagogue to another to have them punished, and I tried to force them to blaspheme. In my obsession against them, I even went to foreign cities to persecute them”. - Acts 26:9-11

Here is a guy filled up with hatred toward the Christians. He is not going to rest until they have been completely destroyed.

I cast my vote against THEM

Went from one synagogue to ANOTHER

Went to foreign CITIES

Saul is one of those foretold by Jesus in John 16:2: “Anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God.”

Spiritual Blindness (v. 1-2)

We begin this passage in Acts and realize the true spiritual blindness of Saul. Chapter 9 begins with the word “meanwhile”. Meanwhile, Andrew is in Samaria. Peter and John are in Samaria. Andrew has been south of Jerusalem with the Ethiopian. This occurs roughly one year after Stephen’s stoning. Saul is constantly breathing out threats of violence. Caiaphas is likely still the high priest and Saul had no trouble getting the necessary documents to go to Damascus and persecute the Christians living there.

Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the Lord's disciples. He went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any there who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, he might take them as prisoners to Jerusalem. - Acts 9:1-2

Why would Saul choose Damascus? Damascus is 130 miles north of Jerusalem – a six day journey. It was the nearest large city outside Jerusalem. Damascus was under Roman rule and part of the Decapolis. It was located at a crossroads in the east-west and north-south trade routes, a hub for international commerce. According to Josephus, “Damascus abounded with Jews and Gentile proselytes to the Jewish religion,” and the Christians living there were generally living in peace.

Saul’s Apprehension (v. 3-4)

Moving on to verses 3 and 4, we read about Saul’s Apprehension. Not that he was nervous, rather he is apprehended by the Lord Jesus.

As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. - Acts 9:3

The light flashed “very suddenly.” There is special emphasis in the Greek on that word suddenly. In Biblical times, there were no flash cameras, and I can’t think of any natural way in those days to cause a flash of light. So, it would be necessary to carefully explain a sudden onset of light. In this case, the light flashed on and did not go off. Often in illustrations and paintings of this scene, there is a very direct beam of light shining only on Saul. But that is not what was described in the book of Acts, rather it was an all encompassing light. It shown all around them, in every direction.

In Acts 26:13, Paul explains that this occurred at noon. Jesus did not appear to Saul at night but rather at midday. They were not deceived by a bright light at night but a light which overwhelmed the sun. Jesus is the bright morning star. (Rev 22:16) And, we have become children of light through him. (Eph 5:8) “If we walk in the light as He is in the light … the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.” (I John 1:7)

He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” - Acts 9:4

Jesus did not ask, “Why do you persecute my people?” Instead, he said, “Why do you persecute me?” This is a key point. We, all Christians reading this message, are the body of Christ. An attack on any one of us is an attack against Him.

Saul’s Response (v. 5-6)

“Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked. - Acts 9:5

I have a Study Bible that I have had for more than ten years. I really enjoy some of the insights and facts it has in the footnotes. But sometimes, it will say something completely unexpected or understated. In the notes for this particular passage it reads, “The solemn repetition of Saul’s name and the bright light suggested to him that he was in the presence of deity.” You think?!

Jesus knows Saul before Saul knows Jesus. He called Saul by name. Saul replies, “Who are you, Lord?” God knows us. All the good and all the bad.

In Acts 22:10, Saul says he specifically asked the Lord, “What shall I do?” At this point, Saul has surrendered his life and is ready to do what he is told.

“I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” - Acts 9:6

Physical Blindness (v. 7-9)

The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything. - Acts 9:7-9

I think it is interesting to pause on the phrase “the men traveling with Saul”. How many men would be traveling with him? Surely, he would have brought enough to make his prisoner-taking successful. These men are all potential witnesses to deny what happened. Instead, it says they all saw the light, and they all fell to the ground. It gives even more detail in Acts 22:9 that they heard sounds, but could not understand or could not make out the phonics. In the same way in John 12:29, God spoke to Jesus as the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and the crowd said it had thundered.

Saul is miraculously struck with physical blindness at the moment he begins to overcome his spiritual blindness. Saul now lives out 3 days of suspense, fasting the whole time.

A Divine Calling (v. 10)

In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. The Lord called to him in a vision, “Ananias!” “Yes, Lord,” he answered. - Acts 9:10

In some translations Ananias answers, “Here I am, Lord!” It is almost as if he is waiting for the Lord to call out to him. Had Ananias heard from God before this? Was it the first time? Oh, that I had ears to hear like Ananias. How would I react? Disbelief or pure anticipation.

Who is Ananias? Well, he is not an apostle. And, he is not mentioned again in the Bible. However, in Acts 22:12 we read that he is highly respected by all the Jews living there. He is a resident of Damascus and not a refugee from the persecution led by Saul. He is a “normal” believer used by a supernatural God.

Specific Instructions (v. 11-12)

The Lord told him, “Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight.” - Acts 9:11-12

Now, Saul is praying, he is no longer breathing out murderous threats. In a very dangerous and fearful situation, Jesus has given very careful and specific instructions to Ananias and Saul. They both have a vision of the exact same event.

Specific Reservations (v. 13-14)

“Lord,” Ananias answered, “I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem. And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name.” - Acts 9:13-14

Ananias is thinking, “Whoa! I’m not so sure about this!” News travels fast regardless of the era. There are no cell phones in the first century. There is no nightly news. And yet, there are many reports of what Saul has done and what he is planning, and even whose authority Saul is working under.

The body of believers in Damascus knows who Saul is and why he has come. They probably know that Saul and the men traveling with him have arrived. This must be a time of great tension in Damascus. Saul is in Damascus, but nothing is happening. He is not going door to door searching for the Christians. He is not meeting with the rabbis in the synagogue. They are definitely thinking, “What is going to happen next?”

Also in this passage, Ananias speaks the first occurrence of the word saints as used to describe the believers. Literally, the word saints means holy ones. After the Crucifixion, some of the “holy ones” were raised from the dead. These arisen “holy ones” were some of the first saints to fall asleep.

Specific Assurance (v. 15-16)

But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.” - Acts 9:15-16

There is a song by Scott Krippayne. “Sometimes He Calms the Storm.” Here are the lyrics of the chorus.

Sometimes He calms the storm
With a whispered, “Peace be still.”
He can settle any sea
But it doesn't mean He will.
Sometimes He holds us close
And lets the wind and waves go wild.
Sometimes He calms the storm,
And other times He calms His child.

Jesus chooses to calm Ananias by giving him some very specific details of what lies ahead for Saul, the one who wanted to destroy the church. Jesus has also calmed the storm by taking the point man for persecution and choosing him to be his instrument to carry the Gospel to the Gentiles, their kings, and the people of Israel.

Saul is chosen by God – In Galatians 1:15 it says Saul was set apart from his mother’s womb. In the same way, we are all chosen by Him. While we were sinners, He died for us. (Rom 5:8, Psalm 139)

Jesus will “show him how much he must suffer.” Whoa!! How would I respond if I saw the suffering yet to come? The sufferings that Saul will see are overwhelming even for the thrill seeker. (2 Corinth. 11:23-29) But over twenty years later, he will be able to say, “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me.” (Acts 20:24)

Test of Faith (v. 17)

Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. - Acts 9:17a

Why did Luke choose to use 2 verbs in this sentence? I don’t know if there is any special significance, but I think it implies that Ananias went to the house and paused. Here he is on Straight Street, a wide avenue lined with columns. Shops open, people moving about. Ananias is standing as a member of the crowd. For the moment he is safe. But he is about to make an irrevocable move. Walking into that house is like walking into the mouth of the lion. How long did he pause? Five minutes? …50 minutes? We don’t know. But what we do know and what matters was that he went in.

Miraculous Healing (v. 17-18)

Placing his hands on Saul, he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord – Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here – has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again. - Acts 9:17b-18

Without fear, Ananias lays his hands on Saul. He is not holding back, standing in the shadows ready to run. Ananias calls him “Brother Saul,” accepting Saul into the body of Christ. And to be sure there is no question, Ananias names the name of Jesus. Saul had wanted to imprison all who called on the name of Jesus, and now he is greeted by the name of Jesus.

Saul’s companions saw his blindness and the healing. They had seen the light and heard the voice on the Damascus road. It is interesting, there is no record of their denial of these events. Later in Jerusalem and before King Agrippa when Saul relates his testimony, no one comes forward to confront or deny these miracles. It has happened. The miracles are real. Saul has been turned from death to life.

A Believer’s Response (v. 19)

He got up and was baptized, and after taking some food, he regained his strength. - Acts 9:19

Paul responds as a true believer. He was baptized immediately, like the Ethiopian.

This is the miracle - that a 180 degree change has happened in Saul’s life. He is no longer a persecutor. Soon he will be numbered among those who are being persecuted.

Before, Saul cast his vote against them. Now, he is one of them.

Before, Saul went from synagogue to synagogue to have them punished and to force them to blaspheme. Now, he will go from synagogue to synagogue to reach out to other Jews and bring them to Christ.

Before, Saul went to foreign cities to persecute Christian. Now, he will go to foreign cities led by the Holy Spirit to bring many to Jesus.

Before, there was hatred and death. Now, there is joy and eternal life.

In Christ, all things are possible. Hallelujah!


How can we apply this passage to our own lives? There are several ways that come to mind.

Persecution against any believer is an attack against the body of Christ, against Jesus himself. Go to Him in times of trouble. Cast your cares on Him.

Be like Ananias. Always listening. Ready to answer.

All believers have been chosen by God. He loves us. He has died for us.

If God reveals something to you, if His Spirit prompts you, do it. It may not be easy, but the reward will be great. There is peace and joy in doing the Lord’s work.

Whatever stage of life you are in, regardless of your maturity, we need to do what God has given us to do next. Some examples: Baptism, prayer, fasting, regular quiet times, sharing your faith, preparing your testimony, acts of service, searching the Word and asking the Lord for a life verse.

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