Sunday, November 23, 2014

Plagues and Bowls

Revelation 15:1-16:21 
Some people see the book of Revelation as a fictitious story.  Some see it as true prophecy but they see every element as figurative, and none of it as literal.  Others see every element as literal and none of it as figurative.  Some people see it as a hoax.  “After all,” they say, “it was a book written by men nearly 2000 years ago.  Men make errors, therefore, this book is only full of errors.  Countless additions and subtractions in this book have shown that it’s not a reliable source at all.”  How are we supposed to read Revelation?  As a myth?  As only figurative?  As only literal?  As a hoax?
We’re about to read some of the most disturbing images found in the Bible.  Will these things really happen?  Are they literal or just figurative? 
Before I answer these questions let me ask you a few questions to think about.  If you read a book that predicted the future accurately how would it change your view of it?  Do you think it would be possible that an all knowing, intelligent being who is not bound by time, is possibly behind that book?  At this point, I’m not asking if you believe in Revelation or if you believe in God.  But do you think it’s possible that an all knowing, intelligent being who is not bound by time could be the ultimate author behind the Bible?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Eternal Gospel

Revelation 14:1-20
Welcome! Today we continue our series on the book of Revelation. To put today’s passage in context, here is a summary of where we have been. Chapter 1 contains a vision of Christ moving among His church, His body, His followers. Chapters 2 and 3 consists of personal letters to particular churches, pointing out both weaknesses and strengths, and giving warnings and encouragements. Chapters 4 and 5 shift the scene to God’s throne in heaven, with countless worshipers around the throne, and at the center, the Lamb, who alone is worthy to open the seals of a special scroll. Chapter 6 describes the opening of 6 of 7 seals on this scroll; accompanying each are judgments of God.

The opening of Chapter 7 is particularly relevant to today’s passage, so I want to present that to you now.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Man's Number

Revelation 13:2-18
Good morning everyone!  We’ll continue today with our series on the book of Revelation.  Two weeks ago, Fred brought us to the midpoint of the book, and we heard the last of seven trumpets sound.  This sounding initiated worship in heaven rejoicing that the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and Christ and He will reign forever and ever.  (Revelation 11:15)  It was a victorious sound.

Let’s pray:

Lord God, thank You that You reign forever and ever.  Thank You that the kingdom of the world will become Your kingdom and you will set things right.  I pray that You will open our hearts and our minds to hear and apply Your Word in our lives.  Grow us up, I pray.  May we all walk with You in boldness and faith.  May we patiently endure and faithfully love you amidst the trials that we face.  Guide our time, we pray.  Amen.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Dragon

Revelation 12:1-:13:1
Welcome! Today we will continue our series in Revelation, focusing on Chapter 12. Due to the amount of content here and limited time, I want to give only the briefest of overviews in terms of where we are in Revelation. We have had seven letters for seven churches, pointing out their strengths and weaknesses and giving them instructions in how to respond. We have been presented a special scroll that no one is worthy to open, except the Lamb of God, Christ. We have seen seven seals opened, one after another, with increasing signs and tribulations on the people in the vision. We have seen seven trumpets blown by angels, each also accompanied by judgments against the people, who despite all this, continue to remain unrepentant. There are seven thunders, but we don’t get to see these; they remain “sealed up.” Interspersed with these events are other events and images, including several scenes of multitudes worshiping at the throne of God, a scene of the sealing up of the 144,000, protecting them from what is to come, and a scene of two witnesses who will prophecy for 1260 days against the unrepentant people, be killed, and come back to life. At the end of chapter 11, it is announced that it is time, finally, for judgment of the unrepentant, for rewarding those who followed after Christ, and “for destroying those who destroy the earth.” And then God’s temple in heaven was opened and the Ark of the Covenant could be seen.